16 September 2016 – This year’s ITMA Asia will see J-Teck3 (Hall H5, Stand B16) demonstrate the extensive textile applications achievable with its market-leading digital ink range, J-Cube.
As the product of choice from its ground-breaking portfolio of sublimation inks for transfer printing, J-Cube includes a vast gamut of shades including vivid fluorescents and varying shades of black. It equips textile companies with superior colour combinations and the capabilities to produce premium textile products. Developed using the company’s unique Cluster Technology, J-Cube enables supreme printability, fast-drying and high quality image definition and is fully-compatible with printers equipped with Kyocera, Ricoh, Konica Minolta and Panasonic print heads. Available for either transfer or direct-to-fabric printing, the inks’ versatility spans a wide array of polyester applications including fashion and home decorations.
Also on display will be the company’s newest ink additions to the J-Cube PNF series. Comprising of four high-density colours – Cyan Extra, Magenta Extra, Yellow Extra and Black Extra – the new inks offer high-quality coverage and are specifically engineered for Panasonic print heads. As fast-drying inks tailored for uncoated and thin sublimation papers, the new inks provide print companies with high productivity while reducing production costs.
“We continue to listen to our customers and the market’s need for a vast range of intense and reliable digital inks for the production of textile and graphic applications while being fully-compatible with the leading print heads. Our new J-Cube PNF colours bridge the gap for a diverse spectrum of colours with exceptional image definition,” says Luca Guggiari, J-Teck3’s Brand R&D Manager. “ITMA Asia is the ideal platform to introduce our growing portfolio of advanced colours to our customers, existing and new, and demonstrate our continued commitment to develop market-leading digital inks with the capabilities to produce a diverse array of applications.”
The company will also display its full range of sublimation and direct-to-fabric inks for printing onto polyester applications. Compatible with next-generation Epson print heads, the J-Next Subly boasts a haul of radiant shades to meet demand for a number of textile applications as well as the eco-compatible J-Eco Subly Nano that allows for optimal pigment dispersion thanks to its Nanodot Technology. The J-Eco Print Nano HF incorporates disperse dyes for directly printing vibrant colours onto polyester for high fashion and home interior applications.
See J-Teck3 at ITMA Asia in Hall H5, Stand B16 between 21-25 October.
2016年9月16日 – 今年ITMA 亚洲展会将于10月21-25日在上海举办,意大利杰态克公司(J-Teck3)展台号为:H5 – B16 ,届时将展示各种水性分散型热升华油墨,其中用于工业级喷头的J-Cube系列油墨更是重中之重,近期市场表现也极其强劲。
J-Cube系列中最新发开的产品是用于松下喷头的J-Cube PNF高浓度款油墨(Cyan Extra, Magenta Extra, Yellow Extra and Black Extra, 为低克数或无涂层纸所特制的。新款J-Cubo PNF在高速打印的同时保证了颜色的高饱和度,打印色彩鲜艳且降低了打印成本。
我们一直聆听客户的意见并紧跟市场的需求,不断研发推出适用于市面上新款喷头的高品质产品。J-Teck3旗下R&D研究室主任Luca Guggiari先生表示:J-Cube PNF Extra 的卓越性不仅突出表现在高浓度上,而是在颜色鲜艳的同时更体现出其高精准度和高清晰度。此次ITMA亚洲展会将成为展示我们新款产品J-Cube系列的最佳舞台,呈现出J-Teck3不断提升品质和勇于创新的精神。
J-Next Subly Nano :适用于各种Epson喷头,独家专利的同向聚集技术(Cluster)使其成为目前市场上Epson七代头表现最突出的一款墨水。颜色鲜艳,快速干燥,色牢度强,稳定性高是其一贯的产品优势。
J-Eco Subly Nano : 经典款,非常适用于Epson五代喷头,真正的纳米级技术,流畅性和色彩俱佳,极受客户青睐。
J-Next Print : 适用于各种Epson喷头,专用于涤纶布上的直喷墨水,色牢度高、流畅性佳。
J-Teck3展台号:H5 – B16