Simple to use software designed to deliver improved capacity management, smoother workflow and greater productivity
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA – SA International (SAi), the leading provider of software solutions for professional signmaking, wide-format digital printing and CAD/CAM machining industries, has announced the availability of SideKick – a convenient and easy-to-use job organization tool that helps sign and large format print businesses to effortlessly manage their end-to-end production operations, from quote creation to invoicing.
Simple to use, SideKick comes pre-loaded with a database of predefined products and finishing options, including average industry costs, to rapidly and accurately configure pricing, while factoring in materials, labor, commissions, discounts and taxes. Users can also tailor pricing for their own business. Via an intuitive quoting system, sign shops and large format print providers can quickly create professional and personalized PDF job quotes to send to customers within just a few minutes, based on size, quantity and finishing of the product.
Thereafter, SideKick lets users organize account contacts, convert quotes into orders with one-click and track jobs through various production stages. This enables jobs to be rapidly exported into the invoicing process so that payments are made quicker and cashflow is improved.
“No one likes doing paperwork, but it’s necessary if you’re running a business. Our smaller customers, in particular, frequently tell us that administrative tasks are their least favorite and most time-consuming part of their jobs,” says Annette Plummer, VP Marketing, SAi.
“SAi SideKick effectively addresses our customers’ wider requirements and ensures hassle-free shop management at a low monthly operating cost,” Plummer adds. “The result is a more streamlined administrative process that ultimately saves business managers time.”
Accessible via monthly or annual subscription to existing SAi users, SideKick functions as a standalone tool independent of both SAi’s Flexi signmaking and EnRoute CNC CAD/CAM software solutions. Those customers accessing Flexi or EnRoute on a subscription basis can also take advantage of a preferential pricing structure when subscribing to SideKick.
Pricing is as follows:
SideKick can be purchased directly from SAi by visiting: The tool can also be used within SAi’s MyFlexi App, which is downloadable from the iOS App Store and Google Play Store.
Ce logiciel intuitif est pensé pour améliorer la gestion des capacités, harmoniser le flux de production et accroître la productivité.
Salt Lake City, Utah, États-Unis – SA International (SAi), fournisseur réputé de solutions professionnelles de signalétique, d’impression numérique grand format et de CFAO pour l’industrie de l’usinage, a annoncé la disponibilité de SideKick, un outil de gestion des travaux pratique et intuitif qui aide les professionnels de la signalétique et de l’impression grand format à organiser facilement leurs opérations de production de bout en bout, de la création de devis jusqu’à la facturation.
D’utilisation facile, SideKick est doté d’une base de données préchargée réunissant des produits prédéfinis et des options de finition, avec leurs coûts moyens observés, afin de déterminer les tarifs rapidement et précisément en tenant compte des matériaux, de la main-d’œuvre, des commissions, des remises et des taxes. Les utilisateurs ont également la possibilité de personnaliser les tarifs à employer. Un système intuitif permet aux entreprises de signalétique et aux imprimeurs grand format de créer rapidement des devis professionnels et personnalisés, basés sur les dimensions, la quantité et la finition du produit, à envoyer à leurs clients au format PDF en quelques minutes.
SideKick permet en outre aux utilisateurs d’organiser leurs contacts par client, de convertir des devis en commandes d’un seul clic et de suivre les travaux à travers les différentes étapes de production. Ainsi, les travaux peuvent être rapidement exportés vers le processus de facturation, ce qui accélère les paiements et optimise la trésorerie.
« Personne n’aime les tâches administratives, mais elles sont incontournables quand vous dirigez une entreprise. Les petites sociétés, en particulier, y voient souvent une contrainte particulièrement chronophage de leur travail », souligne Annette Plummer, vice-présidente marketing chez SAi.
« L’outil SideKick de SAi répond efficacement aux exigences les plus larges de nos clients et assure une gestion facile des activités, pour un faible coût d’exploitation mensuel », ajoute Mme Plummer. « Il simplifie le processus administratif, pour faire gagner du temps aux chefs d’entreprise. »
Disponible sous la forme d’un abonnement mensuel ou annuel pour les clients SAi existants, SideKick fonctionne comme un outil autonome indépendant des solutions logicielles de signalétique Flexi et de CAO/FAO CNC EnRoute de SAi. Les clients qui utilisent Flexi ou EnRoute par abonnement peuvent également bénéficier d’un tarif préférentiel lors de la souscription à SideKick.
Tarification :
SideKick est disponible directement auprès de SAi à l’adresse : L’outil est également compatible avec l’application MyFlexi de SAi, à télécharger sur l’App Store d’Apple et le Google Play Store.
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA – SA International (SAi), führender Anbieter von Softwarelösungen für professionelle Werbetechnik, Großformatdigitaldruck und CAD/CAM für die CNC-Bearbeitung, gibt die Einführung von SideKick bekannt. Das komfortable, benutzerfreundliche Tool für die Joborganisation unterstützt Werbe- und Großformatdruckereien bei der mühelosen Organisation ihrer gesamten Produktionsabläufe vom Angebot bis hin zur Rechnungsstellung.
Das leicht zu bedienende Tool SideKick enthält eine Datenbank vordefinierter Produkte und Finishing-Optionen einschließlich durchschnittlicher Herstellkosten für eine schnelle und exakte Preiskalkulation unter Berücksichtigung von Arbeitszeit, Provisionen, Preisnachlässen und Steuern. Benutzer können die Preiskalkulation auf ihr eigenes Geschäft anpassen. Über ein intuitives Angebotssystem können werbetechnische Betriebe und Großformatdruckereien innerhalb kurzer Zeit professionelle und personalisierte Angebote für Jobs im PDF-Format erstellen und innerhalb weniger Minuten an ihre Kunden schicken, basierend auf Größe, Menge und Finishing des Produkts.
Nach der Angebotserstellung können User ihre Kontakte organisieren, mit nur einem Klick Angebote in Aufträge umwandeln und die einzelnen Produktionsschritte überwachen. Jobs lassen sich rasch für die Rechnungserstellung exportieren. So erhalten Sie Ihr Geld schneller und verbessern Ihren Cashflow.
„Niemand erledigt gerne Papierkram, aber ohne geht es in Unternehmen eben nicht. Insbesondere von Kunden aus kleineren Firmen hören wir immer wieder, dass sie die lästigen und zeitraubenden administrativen Arbeiten am wenigsten mögen“, berichtet Annette Plummer, VP Marketing, SAi.
„SAi SideKick erfüllt die weiteren Anforderungen unserer Kunden und sorgt für reibungsloses Shop Management – zu geringen monatlichen Betriebskosten“, fügt Plummer hinzu. „Das Ergebnis ist ein schlankerer administrativer Prozess, der wertvolle Zeit spart.“
Für SAi-User ist SideKick eigenständig als Monats- oder Jahresabo verfügbar, unabhängig von den SAi-Softwarelösungen Flexi und EnRoute CNC CAD/CAM. Kunden, die bereits ein Flexi oder EnRoute-Abo haben, profitieren von besonders günstigen Preisen für SideKick.
Sie erhalten SideKick direkt über SAi unter
Das Tool kann auch über die MyFlexi-App von SAi genutzt werden. Sie ist im iOS App Store und im Google Play Store erhältlich.
Facile da utilizzare, il software offre grande capacità di gestione, fluidità del flusso di lavoro e massima produttività
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA – SA International (SAi), fornitore leader di soluzioni software per la cartellonistica professionale, per la stampa digitale di grande formato e CAD/CAM per le macchine industriali, ha annunciato il lancio di SideKick, uno strumento comodo e intuitivo in grado di aiutare le aziende specializzate nella stampa di insegne e grandi formati a gestire con estrema semplicità il flusso di lavoro, dal preventivo alla fatturazione.
SideKick è provvisto di database di prodotti e opzioni di finitura predefiniti e completi di costi industriali medi, per consentire una configurazione rapida e precisa di prezzi, forniture di materiali, manodopera, commissioni, sconti e tasse. Gli utenti hanno anche la possibilità di personalizzare i prezzi in base alle esigenze della loro attività. Grazie all’intuitivo strumento di preventivazione, in pochi minuti gli stampatori di insegne e grandi formati possono creare offerte professionali e personalizzate in PDF, pronte per essere inviate ai clienti sulla base di dimensioni, quantità e finitura del prodotto.
SideKick consente infatti agli utenti di organizzare i contatti degli account, convertire i preventivi in ordini in un clic e tenere traccia delle commesse nelle varie fasi di lavorazione. In questo modo è possibile esportare i lavori rapidamente verso il processo di fatturazione, velocizzando i pagamenti e migliorando il cash flow.
“Le scartoffie non piacciono a nessuno, ma se hai un’azienda devi fartene una ragione. In particolare, i nostri clienti più piccoli ci riferiscono che le mansioni amministrative sono le meno amate e rappresentano uno spreco di tempo notevole nell’economia globale del business”, dichiara Annette Plummer, VP Marketing di SAi.
“SideKick di SAi rappresenta una risposta efficace alle sfide globali dei nostri clienti e garantisce una gestione fluida delle attività aziendali ad un costo operativo mensile molto contenuto”, ha aggiunto Annette Plummer. “Il risultato è un processo amministrativo più fluido e lineare che consente all’azienda di risparmiare molto tempo prezioso”.
Riservate ai titolari di un abbonamento mensile o annuale SAi, le funzioni di SideKick ne fanno un tool autonomo e indipendente sia dalla soluzione per cartellonistica Flexi sia dalla soluzione software CNC CAD/CAM EnRoute di SAi. I clienti che utilizzano Flexi o EnRoute in abbonamento avranno tuttavia la possibilità di accedere a SideKick ad un prezzo vantaggioso.
Le tariffe sono le seguenti:
SideKick può essere acquistato direttamente da SAi
Lo strumento può essere utilizzato anche all’interno dell’App MyFlexi di SAi, scaricabile dall’App Store iOS e da Google Play Store.
Simple to use software designed to deliver improved capacity management, smoother workflow and greater productivity for sign and large format print businesses
Company also heads to ISA announcing that, as of Q1 2020, over 14,000 global sign & display business are now accessing Flexi and EnRoute software via subscription
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA – SA International (SAi), the leading provider of software solutions for professional signmaking, wide-format digital printing and CAD/CAM machining industries, has announced the availability of SideKick – a convenient and easy-to-use job organization tool that helps sign and large format print businesses to effortlessly manage their end-to-end production operations, from quote creation to invoicing. SAi SideKick will be officially unveiled for the first time worldwide at ISA International Sign Expo 2020 (Thursday April 2 – Saturday April 4, Orlando, FL) on booth# 3206).
Simple to use, SideKick comes pre-loaded with a database of predefined products and finishing options, including average industry costs, to rapidly and accurately configure pricing, while factoring in materials, labor, commissions, discounts and taxes. Users can also tailor pricing for their own business. Via an intuitive quoting system, sign shops and large format print providers can quickly create professional and personalized PDF job quotes to send to customers within just a few minutes, based on size, quantity and finishing of the product.
Thereafter, SideKick lets users organize account contacts, convert quotes into orders with one-click and track jobs through various production stages. This enables jobs to be rapidly exported into the invoicing process so that payments are made quicker and cashflow is improved.
“No one likes doing paperwork, but it’s necessary if you’re running a business. Our smaller customers, in particular, frequently tell us that administrative tasks are their least favorite and most time-consuming part of their jobs,” says Annette Plummer, VP Marketing, SAi.
“SAi SideKick effectively addresses our customers’ wider requirements and ensures hassle-free shop management at a low monthly operating cost,” Plummer adds. “The result is a more streamlined administrative process that ultimately saves business managers time.”
Accessible via monthly or annual subscription to existing SAi users, SideKick functions as a standalone tool independent of both SAi’s Flexi signmaking and EnRoute CNC CAD/CAM software solutions. Those customers accessing Flexi or EnRoute on a subscription basis can also take advantage of a preferential pricing structure when subscribing to SideKick.
ISA will also see SAi showcase the latest version of its powerful Flexi signmaking software. Flexi 19 delivers greater power to significantly improve the production capabilities for sign & display users, thanks to a high-performance 64-bit RIP engine that provides a speed increase of over 30%.
Subscription-based offering a hit among customers
As well as demonstrating the throughput-enhancing functionality of its signmaking and printing software solutions, SAi will highlight the way in which it continues to revolutionize the accessibility of those packages via its popular subscription-based purchasing model. As of Q1 2020, SAi reached the milestone figure of registering over 14,000 large format print providers and sign & display businesses worldwide who benefit from new levels of flexibility and cost management via this purchasing method.
Pricing for SAi SideKick is as follows:
SideKick can be purchased directly from SAi by visiting: The tool can also be used within SAi’s MyFlexi App, which is downloadable from the iOS App Store and Google Play Store.
As well as SideKick, Visitors to SAi’s booth at ISA can learn more about the benefits of accessing Flexi signmaking and printing software and EnRoute CAD/CAM software through monthly subscription and cloud-based downloads.
Software fácil de usar diseñado para optimizar la gestión de la capacidad, sistematizar el flujo de trabajo y maximizar la productividad
Salt Lake City, Utah, EE: UU: – SA International (SAi), proveedor líder de soluciones de software de rotulación profesional, impresión digital de gran formato y CAD/CAM para empresas de mecanización, ha anunciado la disponibilidad de SideKick, una herramienta práctica y fácil de usar para la organización de los trabajos que permite a las empresas de rotulación profesional e impresión digital de gran formato gestionar sin esfuerzo todas sus operaciones de producción, desde la elaboración de presupuestos hasta la facturación.
SideKick es una herramienta fácil de usar que viene precargada con una base de datos de productos predefinidos y opciones de acabado (incluidos costos medios de la industria) para configurar con rapidez y precisión las estructuras de precios, teniendo en cuenta aspectos como los materiales, la mano de obra, las comisiones, los descuentos y los impuestos. Además, los usuarios pueden adaptar los precios de acuerdo con las necesidades de sus propios negocios. Gracias a un intuitivo sistema de elaboración de presupuestos, las empresas dedicadas a la rotulación y la impresión de gran formato pueden crear presupuestos de trabajos en PDF profesionales y personalizados y enviarlos a sus clientes en cuestión de minutos, teniendo en cuenta aspectos como el tamaño, la cantidad y el acabado del producto.
A partir de ahí, SideKick permite a los usuarios organizar contactos de las cuentas, convertir presupuestos en pedidos con un solo clic y realizar el seguimiento de los trabajos en las distintas fases de producción. Esta solución permite que los trabajos se puedan exportar rápidamente al proceso de facturación, agilizando los pagos y mejorando la tesorería.
“El papeleo no le gusta a nadie, pero es necesario cuando se dirige una empresa. En concreto, nuestros clientes más pequeños nos suelen trasladar que las tareas administrativas son las que menos les gustan y en las que tienen que emplear buena parte de su tiempo”, afirma Annette Plummer, vicepresidenta marketing de SAi.
“SAi SideKick aborda de una manera efectiva las necesidades globales de los clientes y garantiza una gestión impecable de los centros de impresión con un coste operativo mensual muy reducido”, añade Plummer. “El resultado es un proceso administrativo más organizado que acaba ahorrando tiempo de dirección del negocio.”
Para los usuarios que ya utilicen SAi, el acceso a SideKick se realiza a través de una suscripción mensual o anual; esta herramienta autónoma funciona separadamente de las soluciones de software de rotulación Flexi y CNC CAD/CAM EnRoute de SAi. Además, los clientes que accedan a Flexi o EnRoute a través de una suscripción podrán aprovechar una estructura de precios preferente a la hora de suscribirse a SideKick.
Estos son los precios:
SideKick se puede adquirir directamente en SAi en la dirección La herramienta también se puede utilizar en la aplicación MyFlexi de SAi, descargable desde iOS App Store y Google Play Store.